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   An appeal for joining our network for introducing cultural wisdom                     


 1. On the foundation of the association for diffusing cultural wisdom

  When I proposed in my book written in the Japanese language, The main problems of Marx’s Capital (Libraire Situations, 2014) “the project for overcoming capitalism,” I had not sufficiently determined the detail of it, uncertain of what I should be going to do. But, last year, I began to think that I wanted to build, not just a think tank, but an organization for social movement, something like an association for cultural wisdom. Then, early in this year, while discussing the matter with friends of mine, I began to settle an idea of the association.

   In the first place, I’ve held a conception of the double activity, that is, the association of diffusing cultural wisdom and its network for introducing the wisdom; I manage the association on my own, and leave the network to those who agree to my idea, each of them participating in it on their own.

   Based on this plan, I will found a general corporation aggregate for diffusing cultural wisdom, using the Facebook, not only in Japanese but in English.

   On the other hand, those who agree will inaugurate the network, communicating in the Facebook as friends and interconnect their own activities on the net.

 2. Would you apply for our manager?

  I’m suggesting that those who agree with me be free to take part in the network. In any case, I have an intention to hold a study circle for the introduction of cultural wisdom, where I’ll be invited to inaugurate the activity for it; the main theme to be presented will be chosen by someone in charge of the circle, and then the managers and I will, after having discussed it beforehand, write an outline for those subjects for which I can suggest some ideas.

 3. What is cultural wisdom?

  I proposed an idea about cultural knowledge in 1988, which will be shown in the next section. After that year, from my point of view on cultural wisdom, I continued to study Western philosophy, formulating the point of my criticism on its assumption in these lines:

 1) To oppose the disaccord of the logic of thinking with that of being against the traditional faith in the accordance of both

 2) To raise a question over the traditional assumption of the independence of Will.

 3) Against the traditional assumption that the mediator between subjects and objects cannot be grasped in an objective form, to affirm certain mediators in some particular form that can be objectified.

   In the passages that follow, we will criticize the assumption on which science is based and show the standpoint of cultural wisdom by analyzing social relations in the same method as Marx’s approach to the value forms of commodities. From this point develop the three lines above, presenting my criticism of Western philosophy. From some ideas which will be gained on the way to criticize it — though I’m just on the way now — we will raise some questions, intending to develop social movements.

   Into focus is, after all, our own approach to what society really is, and to the way we can achieve social revolution, with the suggestion of cultural wisdom or the activity of diffusing it one of the measures for the approach.

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